Senate News & Analysis

The $4 Billion Campaign Against John Cornyn

by Nathan L. Gonzales December 6, 2013 · 9:50 AM EST

Democrat David Alameel announced recently his challenge to Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, and the wealthy dentist said money won’t be a problem. I’m not so sure.

“I’ll just do whatever it takes,” he told the Dallas Morning News. “Money is not an issue for me.”


House Democrats’ Not-So-Secret Weapon for 2014: Cash

by Nathan L. Gonzales December 5, 2013 · 9:41 AM EST

House Democrats are stockpiling cash, and some GOP strategists have expressed concern that Democrats could use their financial advantage to expand the playing field.

Through October, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee raised $65 million and had $25 million in the bank for the 2014 cycle. The National…

A Traditional Midterm Headache for Democrats

by Stuart Rothenberg December 4, 2013 · 9:57 AM EST

Democrats have had a nice run recently of interesting House recruits and new takeover opportunities resulting from open GOP seats. And yet, it probably won’t matter.

If history is any guide — and it usually is — the president’s recent problems have already overshadowed that good news for…

Open Your Mind to the Possibility of Another Midterm Mess for Democrats

by Nathan L. Gonzales December 2, 2013 · 10:48 AM EST

Democrats might want to consider opening their minds to the potential of another midterm nightmare.

I remember dozens of conversations with GOP candidates and strategists prior to the 2012 elections. Republicans simply couldn’t wrap their minds around the possibility that 2008 could ever be repeated. That failure in…

A Critical Few Weeks for Democrats? It Could Get Worse

by Stuart Rothenberg November 18, 2013 · 9:24 AM EST

No wonder some Democratic strategists are nervous about the next few weeks.

President Barack Obama’s job approval numbers have taken a dive in two recent polls, and party insiders fear that every other poll released in the foreseeable future will show that the rollout of the president’s health…

For Some Candidates, Home Is Where the Opportunity Is

by Nathan L. Gonzales November 12, 2013 · 10:23 AM EST

We all know that candidates and members don’t have to live in a House district in order to run or even represent that area. And I’ve written about a number of top-tier Democratic hopefuls this cycle who don’t live in the district where they are campaigning.


Michigan Senate: Open Season

by Nathan L. Gonzales November 8, 2013 · 3:30 PM EST

Michigan hasn’t had an open U.S. Senate seat in almost 20 years. Given that, it’s surprising that Democratic Sen. Carl Levin’s decision not to seek re-election hasn’t brought a flood of candidates into the race, from both parties. In fact, Republicans and Democrats apparently have already identified their likely…

In Louisiana, Democrats Doth Protest Too Much

by Stuart Rothenberg November 1, 2013 · 11:03 AM EDT

If you were a Democrat who thought the GOP was heading toward selecting a weak nominee incapable of beating Sen. Mary L. Landrieu, D-La., next year, would you tear down that damaged candidate, knowing that it might bring stronger hopefuls into the race? Or would you keep your mouth…

‘The Political Middle Has Disappeared’

by Stuart Rothenberg October 25, 2013 · 9:36 AM EDT

A terrific post-shutdown “after action report” by Bill McInturff of Public Opinion Strategies, who is one-half of the bipartisan polling team that conducts the NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll, includes one slide (No. 7) that I found particularly instructive.

Titled “the political middle has disappeared,” it shows…

The Most Important Election of 2014

by Stuart Rothenberg October 24, 2013 · 11:08 AM EDT

So now we know.

The single most important election in the country next year won’t take place in Louisiana, Arkansas, North Carolina or Alaska. And it won’t occur next November, when voters across the country pick the next Congress. It will take place in Kentucky on May 20.