Senate News & Analysis
Colorado Senate. In a surprise decision, Republican Rep. Cory Gardner decided to jump into the Colorado Senate race against incumbent Democrat Mark Udall. The Denver Post broke the news on Wednesday and we immediately moved the race from Safe to Democrat Favored.
But in less than a day,…
GOP leaders on Capitol Hill apparently have already decided to punt rather than push ahead with their own immigration proposal, but that hasn’t stopped the chatter from the sidelines, especially from those who don’t like the leadership’s decision.
Liberal columnist Greg Sargent and conservative icon George…
In a surprise decision, Republican Rep. Cory Gardner has decided to jump into the Colorado Senate race against incumbent Democrat Mark Udall. While there are other Republicans running already, Gardner gives the GOP an upper-tier candidate in a race that has not been considered competitive until now. The…
For Republicans in D.C., the Affordable Care Act is a black and white issue — you are either for it or against it. And they are all against it. But for many GOP legislators and candidates outside the Beltway, the politics of Obamacare is much more complicated.
You probably think the recent spat between the National Republican Senatorial Committee (and really the entire GOP establishment) and Jamestown Associates, a GOP consulting firm, is interesting because it reflects the fissure in the Republican Party. But after covering campaigns for decades, I think it’s also a fascinating story…
Two more members of Congress decided this would be their final term, but their exits don’t change the battle for the majority in the House. And contrary to an all-too-common media narrative, their departures do not signal an exodus from the House of Representatives.
“Two Democrats Join…
The 2014 election cycle officially gets underway in a few weeks when voters in Texas go to the polls for the primaries.
Because of the recent string of high-profile Republican Senate primaries over the last couple of cycles, Rep. Steve Stockman’s challenge to incumbent Sen. John Cornyn received…
Analyzing polls is more than just looking at the general election ballot tests, but you wouldn’t know it from much of the media coverage these days. And two recent Senate polls are good examples.
A look at the end-of-the-year financial reports of the two House campaign committees, two Senate campaign committees and two national party committees makes it pretty clear which ones have something to crow about and which have some explaining to do.
The big winner is the Democratic Congressional Campaign…
With each passing election cycle, both parties are figuring out new ways to skirt campaign finance laws.
A couple years ago, I wrote about how the official and independent expenditure wings of the campaign committees share opposition research and message points through less-traveled regions of the Web.…