by Nathan L. GonzalesNovember 13, 2015 · 8:58 AM EST
Pam Keith is a pro-choice Democratic woman running in one of the most competitive Senate races in the country, but the first-time candidate is having trouble getting EMILY’s List interested in her candidacy in Florida.
EMILY’s List was founded 30 years ago to elect pro-choice Democratic women to office.…
by Nathan L. GonzalesNovember 6, 2015 · 3:30 PM EST
A year out from the 2016 elections, control of the Senate is up for grabs.
The playing field is starting to solidify around a batch of seven states, including Illinois, Wisconsin, Florida, Nevada, Pennsylvania, New Hampshire and Ohio, which are likely to decide the majority in the next congress. Five…
ALABAMA – Richard Shelby (R) elected 1986 (50%), 1992 (65%), 1998 (63%), 2004 (68%), 2010 (65%). Shelby continues to stockpile money for a future institute for politics at the University of Alabama when he leaves office. The senator had $19 million in his campaign account at the end of September…
KENTUCKY – Rand Paul (R) elected 2010 (56%). Paul’s run for president hasn’t caught fire but his re-election prospects received a boost after this week’s election results. Republicans took over the governorship and defeated state Auditor Adam Edelen, who was regarded as the most likely Democratic challenger to Paul next…
NEW YORK – Chuck Schumer (D) elected 1998 (55%), 2004 (71%), 2010 (66%). Schumer will win a fourth term. The only question is whether he will be the majority or minority leader in the next congress. Safe for Democrats.
NORTH CAROLINA – Richard Burr (R) elected 2004 (52%), 2010 (55%).…
by Nathan L. GonzalesNovember 4, 2015 · 7:07 PM EST
Matt Bevin’s victory in the Kentucky governor’s race is yet another sobering reminder that polling is a risky business. And for some Republicans, Kentucky could be a glimmer of hope for GOP Sen. David Vitter’s gubernatorial bid in Louisiana.
Bevin’s victory wasn’t the political shockwave on par with Eric…
by Nathan L. GonzalesOctober 27, 2015 · 10:30 AM EDT
Louisiana has transitioned to a Republican state, but GOP Sen. David Vitter will test the political gravity of the Pelican State in next month’s gubernatorial runoff.
Vitter was regarded as the front-runner to replace presidential candidate/current Gov. Bobby Jindal for much of the cycle, but the senator’s consistently poor performance…
by Stuart RothenbergOctober 21, 2015 · 9:15 AM EDT
I never expected Kentucky GOP Sen. Rand Paul would win his party’s nomination for president, but I did expect he would be a factor in the race. So far, he hasn’t been one. (See my February column on his foreign policy challenges here.)
by Nathan L. GonzalesOctober 16, 2015 · 3:00 PM EDT
On the surface, the race to replace Democrat Barbara Mikulski in Maryland looks like a primary battle in a heavily Democratic state. But a deeper look reveals evidence of a growing rift in the Democratic Party and the race will take place in the wake of an emboldened Republican Party…
California’s 21st District. Democratic accountant Connie Perez entered the race against GOP Rep. David Valadao in the Central Valley district. But, unfortunately for Democrats, history may be repeating itself.
Valadao represents a Democratic district (President Barack Obama received 55 percent in 2012), but the congressman has proven to be a…