Senate News & Analysis

Wisconsin Senate: Argument over Assumptions

by Nathan L. Gonzales February 5, 2016 · 2:00 PM EST

Marquette University Law School recently released a poll which showed GOP Sen. Ron Johnson losing to former Democratic Sen. Russ Feingold by 13 points in Wisconsin. Johnson’s allies called the poll “bogus” and claim that the race is tied. So who’s right?

The fight over the narrative in Wisconsin…

Report Shorts (February 5, 2016) California, Kentucky, Maryland, North Carolina, Tennessee

February 5, 2016 · 1:55 PM EST

California’s 48th District. Just two years removed from Dave Brat’s primary upset of Majority Leader Eric Cantor in Virginia, GOP Rep. Dana Rohrabacher of Orange County isn’t taking his primary challenger seriously. But what may look like movement against the congressman is more likely preparation for when he retires. 

NRSC Names Huey IE Director

by Nathan L. Gonzales January 27, 2016 · 8:55 AM EST

NRSC Senior Advisor Daniel Huey will be the committee’s independent expenditure director for the 2016 cycle. The committee also picked Chelsea Hawker as deputy director for the IE.

“Together with our great candidates and their state-of-the-art campaigns, Daniel and Chelsea’s talent will again prove to be our competitive advantage,…

Beshear Looks Back, Forward on Kentucky’s Political Landscape

by Nathan L. Gonzales January 17, 2016 · 8:58 AM EST

In 2014, Steve Beshear sat in the first lady’s box during the State of the Union as President Barack Obama applauded the Democratic governor’s work on health care in Kentucky. Just two years later, Beshear is out of office and feuding with his Republican successor, who vowed to undo…

Obama’s Empty Campaign Threat on Gun Control

by Nathan L. Gonzales January 12, 2016 · 1:56 PM EST

In the heat of his push for more gun control, President Barack Obama threatened to withhold support from anyone, including Democrats, who didn’t support “common-sense” changes. But based on the political realities of this cycle, his comments aren’t likely to dramatically impact Senate races.

“Even as I continue to…

Report Shorts (January 8, 2016) Alabama, Minnesota, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Pennsylvania

January 8, 2016 · 3:26 PM EST

Alabama Primary Elections. At the end of September, GOP Rep. Martha Roby had $734,000 in campaign funds while her opponent was over $2,000 in debt. But allies of the congresswoman and fellow Rep. Bradley Byrne are watching their March 1 primaries closely. 

On paper, Roby’s 2nd District race against tea…

Predicting the Future and Other Delusions

by Stuart Rothenberg January 8, 2016 · 9:34 AM EST

Barry Ritholtz, a financial planner and asset manager, writes a regular column in The Washington Post’s business section. I read him religiously, and his last column of 2015, on financial prognosticators, offered important observations for anyone interested in politics, sports or Wall Street.

I include all three subjects…

Indiana Senate: Is Stutzman Still the Club for Growth’s Guy?

by Nathan L. Gonzales December 28, 2015 · 9:00 AM EST

The Club for Growth endorsed GOP Rep. Marlin Stutzman in the Indiana Senate race this summer, but the congressman was a glaring omission from the anti-tax group’s end-of-the-year fundraising email.

The email from Club President David McIntosh highlighted House candidates Jim Banks of Indiana and Jim Duncan of North…

Colorado Senate: Republicans Waiting for Challenger To Emerge

by Nathan L. Gonzales December 18, 2015 · 3:00 PM EST

Republicans have close to 10 candidates in the Colorado Senate race, but it’s still not clear if they have a challenger who can defeat Democratic Sen. Michael Bennet. 

A recent Politico story, “NRSC chasing new Colorado Senate candidate,” clearly implied that young state Rep. Jon Keyser was the anointed…

Stu in Review: Dumb Stuff I Wrote This Year

by Stuart Rothenberg December 17, 2015 · 11:52 AM EST

When you write dozens of columns each year, as I have been doing for a long time (some people think far too long), you look back at some of them with embarrassment.

Sure, there are plenty of columns of which I remain proud and that look thoughtful, even prescient…