President News & Analysis

Wins, Delegates and the Long GOP Fight Ahead

by Stuart Rothenberg March 16, 2012 · 12:06 PM EDT

Driving into work on Wednesday morning, listening to parts of “Morning Joe” and “The Daily Rundown” on MSNBC on my radio, I was struck by how much I disagreed with all of the post-primary analysis.

The topic du jour, of course, was former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney’s primary…

For Mitt Romney, a Good Night but Not a Knockout

by Stuart Rothenberg March 9, 2012 · 10:19 AM EST

More than two months after the race for the Republican nomination began in Iowa, the contest remains stuck. That’s both good and bad news for the leader in the Republican race.

No one in the GOP contest is able to overtake Mitt Romney, but the former Massachusetts governor…

Republican Roller Coaster Ride Continues

by Stuart Rothenberg March 2, 2012 · 1:54 PM EST

Has the Republican race reached a tipping point, with former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney re-establishing himself as the solid favorite for the Republican nomination and former Sen. Rick Santorum (Pa.) and former Speaker Newt Gingrich (Ga.) slipping awfully close to the “long shot” category? Probably.

Romney has won…

McKenna (R) Takes Issue with Santorum’s ‘Snob’ Remark

February 28, 2012 · 2:57 PM EST

In the middle of trying to win back Washington State’s governorship for the GOP for the first time in 30 years, state Attorney General Rob McKenna disagreed with former Sen. Rick Santorum’s recent criticism of President Obama and higher education.

“President Obama once said he wants everybody in…

Presidential Race Map: Obama vs. Santorum

by Stuart Rothenberg February 24, 2012 · 12:56 PM EST

After running many Obama-Romney maps and one Obama-Gingrich map, we figured it was time to offer our initial thoughts on an Obama-Santorum match-up.

Former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum is in a remarkable place now. Starting far behind the top tier candidates in the GOP race, he has emerged…

When Do Political Rules No Longer Apply?

by Stuart Rothenberg February 22, 2012 · 9:59 AM EST

If I told you that the Oakland A’s or the Pittsburgh Pirates would be in the Major League Baseball playoffs this year instead of the New York Yankees, Boston Red Sox, Philadelphia Phillies, Texas Rangers or Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim, you’d probably have me institutionalized.

At the…

Just How Much Does Gingrich Hate Romney?

by Stuart Rothenberg February 15, 2012 · 9:59 AM EST

Politics, for all of the focus on issues, symbols and ideology, is a deeply personal business.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (Calif.) doesn’t feel deep affection for fellow Democratic Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (Fla.).

Mississippi Republican Sens. Trent Lott and Thad Cochran had no love lost when…

The Hoopla Surrounding Romney’s Electability

by Stuart Rothenberg February 10, 2012 · 8:27 AM EST

For all the hoopla over former Sen. Rick Santorum’s (Pa.) Tuesday sweep of Colorado, Minnesota and Missouri (and the breathless coverage over at CNN on Tuesday night was a great example of hype trumping serious analysis), the dynamics of the Republican presidential race have changed little. While former Massachusetts…

Newt’s Southern Strategy: Not Impossible, Just Very Unlikely

by Stuart Rothenberg February 9, 2012 · 12:21 PM EST

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich has adopted a Southern Strategy that he hopes will keep his campaign alive. It’s only a long shot, but Gingrich doesn’t have many better options.

After winning the South Carolina primary, Gingrich figures he can sweep most of the South and add victories…

Don’t Bet on Gingrich Showing Up in Tampa

by Stuart Rothenberg February 4, 2012 · 9:48 AM EST

The conventional wisdom now is that, even with the Republican nomination slipping further and further away, former Speaker Newt Gingrich will fight tooth and nail all the way to Tampa, making life miserable for the party’s likely nominee, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney.

That scenario certainly is possible,…