President News & Analysis

Presidential Battleground Spotlight: Colorado

by Nathan L. Gonzales October 16, 2015 · 2:58 PM EDT

Democratic presidential nominees have carried Colorado just three times in the last 35 years, and it’s been nearly 20 years since a race was decided by less than 4 points. But the Centennial State appears to be firmly planted among the swing states, albeit the smallest one.

Before Barack…

Why Republicans Need to Nominate Ted Cruz

by Stuart Rothenberg October 15, 2015 · 11:07 AM EDT

It is increasingly apparent the GOP needs to nominate Texas Sen. Ted Cruz for president next year.

The party’s difficulty in finding a broadly acceptable candidate for speaker, combined with the success of anti-establishment candidates in the presidential race, should make it clear to all that the fissure in…

Why I Keep Forgetting About John Kasich

by Stuart Rothenberg October 9, 2015 · 10:47 AM EDT

The Republican contest for president probably will boil down to a fight between a pragmatic conservative, such as former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush or Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, and either an uncompromising conservative, such as Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, or an outsider, like Ben Carson.

Most of the GOP…

Early Iowa Presidential Polls a Better Predictor Than National Ones

by Stuart Rothenberg October 8, 2015 · 11:18 AM EDT

Last month, national polls by CNN/ORC, Fox News and NBC News/Wall Street Journal got plenty of attention, and they certainly helped readers and viewers understand what is going on in the Republican and Democratic presidential contests.

But if history is any guide, early national polls are far less valuable…

Draft Biden Organizer Dismissed Over Past Legal Problems

by Nathan L. Gonzales October 7, 2015 · 10:54 AM EDT

Draft Biden PAC is gaining steam and staff in its unaffiliated effort to encourage Vice President Joe Biden to get into the presidential race, but it recently dismissed one of the group’s initial organizers after his past legal problems came to light.

Former congressional aide and campaign consultant Carlos…

Presidential Battleground Spotlight: Ohio

by Nathan L. Gonzales October 1, 2015 · 3:59 PM EDT

Nearly a dozen years ago, Meet the Press moderator Tim Russert talked about “Ohio, Ohio, Ohio,” pointing to the importance of the Buckeye State in the 2004 presidential election. 

That race proved that Ohio can be an elusive target. Democrats believed the state was going to put John Kerry…

Report Shorts (October 1, 2015)

October 1, 2015 · 3:57 PM EDT

Arizona’s 2nd District. Democrats are targeting GOP Rep. Martha McSally after she knocked off Democratic Rep. Ron Barber in a close race last year. Republicans recently released a handful of automated polls which showed McSally and some of her vulnerable colleagues start the general election in decent shape for…

Does Voter Anger Explain the Success of Presidential Outsiders?

by Stuart Rothenberg September 29, 2015 · 10:58 AM EDT

Those of us who report on and analyze politics for a living have been talking ad nauseam about voters’ frustration and anger.

It’s the hot topic that presumably explains Donald Trump, Ben Carson and Bernard Sanders, as well as the problems that political veterans such as Hillary Rodham Clinton…

Presidential Battleground Spotlight: Florida

by Nathan L. Gonzales September 18, 2015 · 2:59 PM EDT

Democrats may still have nightmares about recounts, hanging chads, and Florida, but the Sunshine State should be firmly lodged on any list of presidential swing states. Intelligent people can debate whether Colorado, North Carolina, and Virginia are pure toss-ups, but the presidential nominees seem pre-destined to compete for Florida’s…

Report Shorts (September 18, 2015)

September 18, 2015 · 2:58 PM EDT

Arkansas Senate. Former U.S. Attorney Conner Eldridge announced his challenge to Sen. John Boozman. “Washington is broken,” the 37-year-old Democrat said in a boilerplate release. “I’m running for the Senate because I’m committed to doing everything I can to fix it for Arkansas and for our country.” 

“I would…