President News & Analysis
Republican front-runner Donald Trump is asked repeatedly about polls showing him trailing Hillary Clinton badly in the general election. He always says the same thing: other polls show him winning, and Clinton will be very easy to defeat.
Is Trump merely blowing smoke, or could he re-draw the partisan…
It’s going to be hard for most House races to get any attention this year, with a competitive presidential race and the fight for control of the Senate. But a handful of districts have the luxury of not only hosting a competitive House race, but also being swing areas…
Republicans and Democrats are still sorting through their presidential primaries, but there are already a handful of lessons to be learned.
The candidate with the most money doesn’t always win. Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders loves to claim that the people with the most money control our elections. But former…
It’s too late to defeat Donald Trump, at least in the primaries. It’s too late for Republicans to unify behind a single Trump alternative. Now it’s a group effort to take down the celebrity businessman.
For the last nine months or so, the talk about the Republican presidential primary…
The early primaries usually winnow presidential fields because each one tests aspects of a candidacy, and because only victories keep the money flowing.
But while this Republican field has winnowed, it hasn’t shrunk as much as some would like. Part of the answer involves the existence of super PAC…
Most in the national news media are talking about how Donald Trump is now the clear Republican frontrunner and will be nearly impossible to stop. They are only partially right.
Trump, who won South Carolina (and all of its delegates) with a little under one-third of the vote, certainly…
If elected president, Republican Sens. Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio probably won’t keep much more more than the doorknobs from the current White House. But they could take away one valuable lesson from President Barack Obama: What you sow in the Senate, you’ll reap in the Oval Office.
Arguing about the term “push poll” is a biennial tradition and, thanks to the Bernie Sanders campaign, we get to do it once again.
On Thursday, ABC News wrote about a recent poll conducted in Nevada by a group that favors former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. The headline,…
All candidates says they’re in it until the bitter end, right up until the point when they drop out. That’s often because the presidential race requires money and money often requires winning.
That’s one of the challenges of Ohio Gov. John Kasich’s campaign. His second place finish in New…
What will South Carolina Republican presidential primary voters do when they go to the polls on Saturday? The best way to approach that question is to compare the Palmetto State’s GOP primary voters to those who turned out this month for the first two Republican contests.
By most measures,…