Senate News & Analysis

2012 Senate Overview (May 18, 2012) Arizona - Michigan

May 18, 2012 · 1:59 PM EDT

ARIZONA – Open; Jon Kyl (R), not seeking reelection. August 28 primary.

Democrats are optimistic about their chances to play offense in this open seat, basing their hopes on a strong recruit in former U.S. Surgeon General (under George W. Bush) Richard Carmona, has a clear primary field.…

2012 Senate Overview (May 18, 2012) Minnesota - Ohio

May 18, 2012 · 1:58 PM EDT

MINNESOTA – Amy Klobuchar (D), elected 2006 (58%). August 14 primary . 

Klobuchar is an excellent politician, very popular, and had $5.2 million in the bank on March 31. Pete Hegseth (R), executive director of Vets for Freedom, had $130,000. St. Bonifacius City Councilman Joe Arwood had $17…

2012 Senate Overview (May 18, 2012) Pennsylvania - Wyoming

May 18, 2012 · 1:57 PM EDT

PENNSYLVANIA – Bob Casey (D), elected 2006 (59%).

The party-endorsed candidate, businessman Steve Welch, was knocked off in the April GOP primary by wealthy retired coal company executive Tom Smith, who pumped personal money into the race. Sen. Casey had $5.3 million in the bank on April 4…

Nebraska Senate: Republicans Still Favored, Just With Unexpected Nominee

by Jessica Taylor May 16, 2012 · 1:07 PM EDT

In the end, it was neither the establishment candidate nor the anti-establishment candidate who can claim victory in the GOP Senate primary in Nebraska.

State Sen. Deb Fischer took 41 percent of the vote on Tuesday to win the Republican nomination and will face former Sen.…

Indiana Primaries: Lugar Loses, House Races Come Into Focus

by Nathan L. Gonzales May 9, 2012 · 1:00 PM EDT

To loyal readers of the Rothenberg Political Report, Sen. Richard Lugar’s primary loss is not a surprise.

“Lugar is a highly-respected moderate conservative with a reputation of being willing to work across the partisan aisle to get things done. But in the current political environment, experience is overrated…

Texas Senate: Primary Focus

by Jessica Taylor May 4, 2012 · 1:28 PM EDT

In the Texas GOP Senate primary, if you’re not second, you might as well be last.

With the Republican contest tantamount to winning retiring Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison’s seat, frontrunner Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst has been trying to top 50 percent in the May 29 primary…

Pennsylvania: Critz Defeats Colleague, Faces Competitive General Election

by Jessica Taylor April 25, 2012 · 2:15 PM EDT

Two moderate Democrats from Pennsylvania won’t be returning to Congress next year after Tuesday’s primaries in the Keystone State -- but only one can blame the new make-up of his district for his loss.

In western Pennsylvania’s 12th District, Rep. Mark Critz pulled off an upset in his…

Florida Senate: Looking Tougher and Tougher for the GOP

by Jessica Taylor April 20, 2012 · 11:58 AM EDT

 A chance to take out a Democratic incumbent in arguably the most critical swing state in the country just two years after the Republican tidal wave swept through the state seems like the GOP’s dream scenario. But in Florida, that chance increasingly looks like a slim possibility thanks to…

Don’t Believe the Anti-Incumbent Narrative

by Stuart Rothenberg April 20, 2012 · 9:54 AM EDT

Though it probably won’t start for a few more days, the “anti-incumbent election” narrative will grow loud during the next few weeks, as a handful of Members of Congress find themselves in tough races. It won’t matter whether they are defeated in primaries or just squeeze through in tight,…

For Martha McKenna, All Politics Is Personal

by Nathan L. Gonzales March 29, 2012 · 11:24 AM EDT

To her friends, Martha McKenna is Baltimore’s ambassador, but Democrats have chosen her to be a critical part of holding their Senate majority.

The 37-year-old Democratic operative was born in Chicago, but there is no question that Charm City is home. It’s where McKenna grew up, got her…