Senate News & Analysis
Just when it looked like state Treasurer Richard Mourdock (R) might have been starting to gain his footing in the Indiana Senate race, an unforced error may have wiped away any small advantage he had in the race.
In Tuesday’s debate with Rep. Joe Donnelly (D), in response…
One year ago, Republicans had every reason to believe that they were poised to net at least four Senate seats in November and gain control of the chamber in the next Congress. A month ago, on the other hand, Democrats had reason to be confident that even if they…
Is Sen. Bob Casey (D) this year’s October surprise?
The Pennsylvania Democrat’s re-election race was largely ignored for most of the cycle until recently when multiple public polls showed him in a surprisingly tight contest with wealthy businessman Tom Smith.
In the last 10 days, five polls…
What a difference a week makes. Just when it appeared that President Obama was gaining an advantage and some key Senate races were slipping away from Republicans, Romney is back and all is not lost in the Republican fight for the majority.
But while Republican strategists…
The Senate is still broadly “in play,” but that doesn’t mean that it is a pure toss-up.
Democrats have the edge because of the retirement of Maine Sen. Olympia Snowe (R) and the implosion of Todd Akin in Missouri, potentially handing Democrats two seats that should be in…
The Senate playing field looks vastly different than either party had anticipated a year, or even six months ago -- and it’s moved decidedly in Democrats’ favor, in part because of campaign-specific developments and in part because of a general slippage in GOP numbers in states where Obama is…
While there is no evidence that a national partisan wave will develop between now and Nov. 6, there is every reason to expect a number of "state waves" that will prove to be challenging for some candidates - and for political handicappers.
In fact, candidates' abilities to fight…
With Democratic Sen. Claire McCaskill’s Missouri Senate seat moving from more likely than not to switch to the GOP to more likely than not to remain in Democratic hands, Republican chances for taking back the Senate have slipped.
The Senate is certainly still “in play” -- but only…
Democrats started licking their chops moments after Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney announced that he had selected Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan to be his running mate.
Whether the reaction came from the national party's House and Senate campaign committees, President Barack Obama's re-election campaign or individual Democratic campaigns…
Not long ago, Democrats had it all: the first African-American president sitting in the Oval Office, the first female Speaker of the House and even a filibuster-proof majority in the Senate. Four years later, the only remaining piece - the presidency - might be taken away from them.