Senate News & Analysis

PA Senate Polling: Burn After Reading?

by Nathan L. Gonzales April 9, 2010 · 9:00 AM EDT

With the proliferation of polling this cycle, political junkies, journalists and party strategists are swimming in a sea of numbers. With each new survey that is released, the party that is ahead touts the results while the party that trails disparages and discounts the pollster. Rinse and repeat.

Cuomo Endorses Castle?

April 8, 2010 · 4:00 PM EDT

Doing a little spring cleaning this week, I came across New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo’s book, Crossroads: The Future of American Politics, written and edited in the wake of Cuomo’s primary loss in the 2002 gubernatorial race.

Since he is the heavy favorite to win…

Florida Senate: Should Charlie Crist Roll the Dice to Save Long-Shot Bid?

by Stuart Rothenberg April 6, 2010 · 9:00 AM EDT

In less than a month, we will know whether Florida Gov. Charlie Crist is absolutely committed to running for the Senate this year as a Republican.

Crist, of course, says the matter is closed — that he is in the GOP race to stay. But some observers won’t…

North Carolina Senate: Rerun or Reelection?

by Nathan L. Gonzales March 26, 2010 · 3:01 PM EDT

Democrats think they’ve seen this movie before and they like the ending. Two years ago, they took aim at an incumbent GOP senator who was struggling to get to 50% in the competitive state of North Carolina. Democrats didn’t have a big name candidate and sorted through a primary,…

Can Polling Memos Change the Narrative About 2010 Races?

March 19, 2010 · 2:01 PM EDT

Here’s a bulletin for you: Anytime a campaign releases a polling memo, it is making an argument, not merely offering survey data for your information. Polling memos aren’t written to make you smarter.

This shouldn’t need to be said, of course, but when I see reporters swallowing spin… Pressuring Democrats in Health Care Fight

March 18, 2010 · 12:05 AM EDT

With House Democratic leaders ratcheting up their arm-twisting and whipping operations in advance of the high-stakes health care vote, pressure on vulnerable Members is also mounting from one of their own party’s most reliable attack dogs.

“Our members worked extremely hard to help get a Democratic majority elected,”…

No Easy Answers for Democrats’ Problems

March 17, 2010 · 9:00 AM EDT

Stu takes a look at the Democrats' challenge in this election year on CBS News' Washington Unplugged with Bill Plante and The Washington Post's Scott Wilson. You can watch the video below or click here.

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Ohio Senate: Bush League

by Nathan L. Gonzales March 1, 2010 · 12:01 PM EST

Democrats and Republicans envision former President George W. Bush being a factor in this year’s Ohio senate race, but in very different ways and with two different outcomes.

In the face of a deteriorating political climate, Democrats remain confident that they can use the Bush connections on likely…

2010 Senate Overview (February 19, 2010)

by Stuart Rothenberg February 19, 2010 · 12:00 PM EST

The likelihood of Democratic Senate gains evaporated over the summer and fall, and it is now the GOP that is headed for gains. Eight of the dozen most competitive Senate seats up this year are now held by Democrats, meaning that Republicans have plenty of opportunities for net gains.…

Connecticut Senate: Moved to Clear Advantage for Democrats

January 15, 2010 · 1:00 PM EST

The exit of Sen. Chris Dodd (D) and his certain replacement on the ballot with state Attorney General Richard Blumenthal takes the race from an excellent GOP takeover opportunity to a likely Democratic hold. Dodd was the Republicans’ greatest asset, and without him on the ballot their prospects take…