Senate News & Analysis

Louisiana Senate Hype: Don’t Believe It

by Stuart Rothenberg July 21, 2010 · 1:48 PM EDT

When former state Supreme Court Justice Chet Traylor entered the Louisiana Republican Senate race, more than a few political journalists took notice, hyping the GOP primary challenge to Sen. David Vitter. Not surprisingly, Politico was particularly robust in talking about the new danger for Vitter, who has had some…

Schumer Hordes Cash, Bests DSCC in Available Funds

by Nathan L. Gonzales July 21, 2010 · 12:10 PM EDT

New York Sen. Charles Schumer (D) is stockpiling money for a reelection race that hardly exists and has more cash on hand than the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee through June.

Schumer, a former DSCC Chairman, showed $23.8 million on hand through June and is up by at least…

White House Lays Foundation for Post-Election Damage Control

by Nathan L. Gonzales July 20, 2010 · 11:34 AM EDT

White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs created a firestorm by admitting that the House majority is in play, but House Democrats should be more worried about his subsequent analysis rather than his political prognostications.

“But I think there's no doubt there are enough seats in play that could…

Is Jim DeMint Barack Obama’s Ace in the Hole

by Stuart Rothenberg July 14, 2010 · 12:54 PM EDT

South Carolina Sen. Jim DeMint, who once proclaimed that he’d rather have “30 Republicans in the Senate who believe in principles of freedom than 60 who don’t believe in anything,” continues to endorse Senate candidates and give leaders in his own party migraine headaches.
But one politician must…

Outside Groups Aiding GOP Cause This Cycle

by Nathan L. Gonzales July 13, 2010 · 7:00 AM EDT

Several Republican outside groups are promising to spend big money in key House and Senate races this fall, but it remains to be seen whether they’ll have the dollars to have an impact.

When American Crossroads, a newly formed 527 group, raised a meager $200 in May, Republicans…

Will Democrats’ Third-Party Scenario Pay Off?

by Stuart Rothenberg July 7, 2010 · 7:00 AM EDT

An unusual number of Democratic candidates running this cycle are basing their victory scenarios on the existence of Independent or third-party candidates in their races. Are their hopes reasonable or are they merely grasping at straws?

Certainly there are examples of third-party candidates who had no chance of…

GOP Group Extends Anti-Ried Ad Buy

by Nathan L. Gonzales July 6, 2010 · 9:00 AM EDT

American Crossroads, a Republican 527 group, is extending its television ad buy targeting Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid into a fourth week, according to an official from the group.

The extension brings the group's spending against the Nevada Democrat to nearly half a million dollars.

The American…

Latest EMILY’s List Picks Face Big Challenges

by Stuart Rothenberg July 2, 2010 · 12:01 PM EDT

On Friday, EMILY’s List, which seeks to recruit pro-choice Democratic female candidates and support their campaigns, announced two more Senate endorsements: Roxanne Conlin in Iowa and Elaine Marshall in North Carolina.

Democrats are on the defensive nationally and looking for opportunities to put GOP-held House and Senate seats…

Bush Bashing Cuts Both Ways in Ohio Race

by Stuart Rothenberg June 25, 2010 · 8:59 AM EDT

Talk with Democratic candidates for Congress across the country, as I do, and you will hear the same two lines of argument about how they are going to win their contests in November.

Both narratives seek to morph November’s elections away from being a referendum on President Barack…

Same Party but Two Very Different Candidates

June 24, 2010 · 9:00 AM EDT

As we crawl toward November, I’m fortunate to interview more and more candidates. Each candidate is unique, but I don’t know that I’ve seen two so very different candidates in a matter of one hour as I did recently, when I interviewed Arizona Democratic Senate hopeful Rodney Glassman and…