President News & Analysis
Although the seemingly unstoppable march of cultural liberalism took pause during the years of Ronald Reagan and even into the 1990s, it is back on track. Liberals will applaud it and conservatives will dread it, but it is silly to deny its strength.
Television and movies reflect our…
There isn’t an issue that more clearly defines the partisan disconnect in this country than abortion and abortion rights.
Hosts and guests on MSNBC are perpetually perplexed by Republicans, who pursue limits to legal abortion – mostly recently the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act – even in the…
Election Day is still more than a year away, but Illinois Republican Bruce Rauner is already deploying a popular campaign weapon: the barn jacket.
Rauner released two television ads on Tuesday in his bid to become the next governor in the Prairie State. In “Back to Work,” the…
Is the nation suffering from a national case of hypochondria, or are Americans rightly worried about the country’s future?
The answer depends, in part, on your (political) point of view. But it’s also true that every bit of good news — rising home prices, rising stock prices and…
Anchorage Mayor Dan Sullivan (R) has no interest in running for the United States Senate in Alaska, according to knowledgeable sources, even though he met with officials at the National Republican Senatorial Committee just last week.
But that doesn’t mean there won’t be a Dan Sullivan in the…
The deep disappointment coming from the White House, gun control advocates and the parents of Newtown, Conn., at the demise of the Manchin-Toomey Senate compromise gun bill is understandable. But some of the rhetoric following the amendment’s defeat has been over the top.
Supporters of stricter gun control…
A few observations on the new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll:
- This is the first time the president’s job approval numbers have been “upside down” — more people disapproving than approving — since June 2012.
- After spiking around the election, the right direction/wrong track numbers…
The jobs numbers just reported for March — an increase of only 88,000 jobs — are horrendous, especially coming after February’s strong job surge (236,000 new jobs revised up to 268,000).
Forget the unemployment rate sliding from 7.7 percent to 7.6 percent. As The Associated Press noted,…
Whether you are a staunch supporter of the National Rifle Association or an enthusiastic backer of the effort by New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and California Sen. Dianne Feinstein for stronger gun control laws, it now should be clear who is winning — indeed, who has won —…
“I am not a member of any organized party — I am a Democrat,” humorist Will Rogers said many years ago. But if Rogers were alive today, he’d undoubtedly see his party as a model of organization and unity when compared to the GOP.
The Republican Party continues…