President News & Analysis

What the ‘Big Ten’ Tells Republicans They Need in 2016

by Stuart Rothenberg March 11, 2015 · 9:56 AM EDT

We won’t know the 2016 Republican presidential nominee for more than a year, but we already know the 10 states — the electoral “Big Ten” — that will select the next occupant of the White House.

Because of that, we can evaluate the GOP’s general election prospects over the…

Familiar Faces in Presidential Battleground States

by Nathan L. Gonzales March 6, 2015 · 2:00 PM EST

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton hasn’t officially announced her campaign and we’re still many months away from knowing who Republicans will pick to be their nominee, but the presidential battleground is already coming into focus. The next commander in chief is likely to be decided by voters in…

Rand Paul, Hillary Clinton Face Foreign Policy Challenges in 2016

by Stuart Rothenberg March 2, 2015 · 8:45 AM EST

While the economy is a decisive topic in many presidential elections, national security looks increasingly likely to become a top issue in next year’s contest. And if that happens, it could dramatically affect both the direction of the race for the Republican nomination and the party’s prospects in November.

Remembrance of Shutdowns Past

by Stuart Rothenberg February 27, 2015 · 9:00 AM EST

Republicans scored big gains in the 2010 and 2014 elections because both of those midterms were about President Barack Obama and the Democratic Party. Democrats had successful elections in 2006, 2008 and 2012 primarily because they made those elections about the GOP and George W. Bush, John McCain and…

Is Ben Carson Really a Viable Presidential Candidate?

by Stuart Rothenberg February 11, 2015 · 10:11 AM EST

Just because something has not happened before doesn’t mean it can’t happen in the future.

Barack Obama and Barry Goldwater proved that point, and Hillary Rodham Clinton could soon be added to the list. Could Ben Carson, as well?

There has been plenty of chatter about Carson and his…

Democrats Might Need to Lose the White House to Win the House Majority

by Nathan L. Gonzales February 9, 2015 · 9:40 AM EST

“It’s going to be awhile,” wrote The Washington Post’s Chris Cillizza recently, summarizing Democrats’ chances of obtaining a majority in the House.

But Democrats may not need years to dig out from their minority hole … if they are willing to surrender the White House in 2016.


Noah’s Ark and the Republican Race for President

by Nathan L. Gonzales February 6, 2015 · 1:59 PM EST

The race for president is in high gear even though the first primaries and caucuses are still nearly a year away. But instead of racing for delegates, candidates are scouring the country for money and consultants. 

This will be a “Noah’s ark” primary, according to one GOP strategist. Because…

Not Your Father’s (or Grandfather’s) GOP Field

by Stuart Rothenberg February 4, 2015 · 9:54 AM EST

None of the top-tier GOP contenders for the party’s presidential nomination have formally entered the race yet, but it’s already clear the field will be unique in the party’s modern campaign history.

Most Republican fields since 1952 have begun with between two and five serious contenders for the nomination.…

Why Hillary Clinton Should Fear Elizabeth Warren

by Stuart Rothenberg January 22, 2015 · 12:04 PM EST

If Hillary Rodham Clinton does not run for president in 2016, I’d certainly put my money on Sen. Elizabeth Warren for the Democratic nomination. And I think Warren might be able to give Clinton a run for her money if the freshman senator would challenge the former secretary of…

Can Jeb Bush Win the GOP Nomination?

by Stuart Rothenberg January 7, 2015 · 12:42 PM EST

I was surprised at the steps that former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush has taken toward entering the GOP presidential race.

I expected family considerations and his aversion to a nasty and prolonged race for the nomination to keep him out of the contest. Certainly, he’d like to be president,…