President News & Analysis

Is Trump really the MVP of the GOP?

by Nathan L. Gonzales January 23, 2020 · 10:52 AM EST

After a tumultuous 2018 that saw them lose their House majority, Republicans often seem eager to dismiss those midterm results as typical while pining for the next election when President Donald Trump will top the ballot and drive turnout in their favor.

A closer look, however, shows Trump may not…

The Steyer Boomlet

by Stuart Rothenberg January 21, 2020 · 11:25 AM EST

Once again, there’s a new “hot” candidate. This time it’s billionaire Tom Steyer, who hit double digits in new Fox News polls in Nevada and South Carolina, thereby qualifying him for the CNN/Des Moines Register presidential debate — the last debate before the Feb. 3 Iowa caucuses.

Of course, other…

Presidential Battlegrounds: Wisconsin

by Ryan Matsumoto December 19, 2019 · 2:29 PM EST

In 2016, Wisconsin was the state that arguably won President Donald Trump the election. Ranking all the states Trump carried from highest margin of victory to lowest margin of victory, Wisconsin was the “tipping-point state” that gave Trump his 270th electoral vote. As the 2020 presidential election looms on…

2019 Ad Spending Offers Clues to 2020

by Steve Passwaiter December 19, 2019 · 2:28 PM EST

Eye-popping total advertising spending numbers draw the headlines, but the distribution of that spending — looking beyond geographic targeting, and party advantage — can also reveal important insights into the campaign. In particular, where political ad buyers are putting their money can tell us a lot about not only their…

Impeachment’s No ‘Game Changer’ and Other Pet Peeves

by Nathan L. Gonzales December 17, 2019 · 3:59 PM EST

After weeks of public hearings and the eve of a vote, I’m ready to take a stand on impeachment. Well, not quite. Actually, there are more than a few pieces of the impeachment coverage, arguments, and narrative that are driving me crazy. And writing a few hundred words seems like…

Don’t Forget Arizona and Minnesota in Presidential Contest

by Stuart Rothenberg December 6, 2019 · 2:28 PM EST

Arizona has voted Democratic in only one of the last 17 presidential elections going back to 1952. That was in 1996, when President Bill Clinton won re-election in a three-way race. Minnesota, on the other hand, has been a Democratic bedrock, with Democratic presidential nominees carrying the state in each…

Mostly Smoke, and Little Fire, From Republicans to Democrats on Impeachment

by Nathan L. Gonzales October 11, 2019 · 9:13 AM EDT

Republicans are publicly celebrating impeachment as a political boon and trying to hold House Democrats’ feet to the fire with television ads and protests. But without credible challengers, it’s little more than expensive hot air.

Last week, President Donald Trump’s campaign manager bragged about turning up the heat on a…

Luke Skywalker and the Politics of Impeachment

by Nathan L. Gonzales September 26, 2019 · 8:44 AM EDT

As House Democrats move closer to impeaching President Donald Trump, I’m amazed by the collective certainty about how the storyline will play out. It’s assumed that history will repeat itself. But I can’t help but think of Luke Skywalker’s words of caution.

Up to this point, everyone is assuming that…

Trump Vulnerability in a Primary is More Fiction than Fact

by Nathan L. Gonzales September 4, 2019 · 9:05 AM EDT

Former South Carolina Rep. Mark Sanford is seriously considering challenging President Donald Trump in the primary, even though he called the idea “preposterous” on many levels. It’s a rare moment when you should take a politician at his word.

Even if you look past the huge hurdles of the president’s…

Trump Missing an Opportunity on Guns

by Nathan L. Gonzales August 26, 2019 · 8:55 AM EDT

President Donald Trump has forgotten who holds the power within the Republican Party.

There’s a perception that the National Rifle Association has an impenetrable lock on base Republican voters and thus is holding GOP members of Congress captive. But Trump is the one person who has the capital with the…