House News & Analysis

After 2012 Disappointment, Aguilar Readies Re-Run

by Nathan L. Gonzales March 19, 2013 · 9:30 AM EDT

Pete Aguilar was supposed to be a Member of Congress by now, but a serious miscalculation delayed his arrival in Washington.

Aguilar is the 33 year-old mayor of Redlands, a city of almost 70,000 people in southern California’s Inland Empire, located east of Los Angeles. Viewed as a…

Recruitment Programs Predict Success…Except When They Don’t

by Jessica Taylor March 14, 2013 · 3:15 PM EDT

In a Wednesday briefing with allied groups and reporters, DCCC Chairman Steve Israel emphasized that his party’s struggle to win the 17 seats begins in 2013, as he outlined how Democrats will secure early commitments from top recruits

It’s a mesage his GOP counterpart, new NRCC Chairman…

Monthly Party Fundraising Reports Don’t Tell the Whole Story

by Stuart Rothenberg March 13, 2013 · 9:23 AM EDT

Every election cycle the party campaign committees, and many in the national media, make a big deal about party fundraising.

Coverage of the money chase has been exacerbated by the fact that these committees file monthly reports detailing their fundraising, as opposed to quarterly. To wit:

Can House Democrats Improve on ’12 Recruiting Flops?

by Stuart Rothenberg March 12, 2013 · 9:51 AM EDT

If Democrats are going to have any chance of netting 17 seats during the 2014 midterms — and taking back control of the House — they are going to have to do a much better job in a handful of districts where their recruiting fell far short in 2012.…

The Fight for the House: Can Anyone Widen the Narrow Playing Field?

by Stuart Rothenberg March 8, 2013 · 3:00 PM EST

Seventeen -- that’s the number of seats Democrats need to gain to take back the House next year. But netting that many seats will be tough after the party picked up eight last year, especially in a midterm year when a Democrat is in the White House.


2014 House Overview (March 8, 2013) Alabama - Indiana

March 8, 2013 · 2:59 PM EST

Alabama (6 Republicans, 1 Democrat)
No competitive races expected in 2014, unless a U.S. Senate seat opens up and draws interest from members of the delegation. Then, a primary or two could be worth watching.

Alaska (1R)
Republican Rep. Don Young just keeps rolling along, though…

2014 House Overview (March 8, 2013) Iowa - Oklahoma

March 8, 2013 · 2:58 PM EST

Iowa (2R, 2D)
IA 1 (Open; Braley, D). Bruce Braley looks to have the cleared the Democratic field in the Senate race, but his congressional seat could get crowded. Former state House Speaker Pat Murphy (D) is in, and 2010 candidate Steve Rathje has announced on the GOP…

2014 House Overview (March 8, 2013) Oregon - Wyoming

March 8, 2013 · 2:57 PM EST

Oregon (1R, 4D)
OR 5 (Schrader, D). Thanks to a slim Republican bench, the Beaver State has been in political hibernation for the last couple of cycles. But with Oregonian Greg Walden at the helm of the NRCC, the 5th District, the most competitive in the state, could…

South Carolina 1: Colbert’s Sister an Underdog, but Worth Watching

by Stuart Rothenberg March 6, 2013 · 9:28 AM EST

Elizabeth Colbert Busch hopes to win a special election for Congress this year. That’s possible but also unlikely, as it would take something close to a political “perfect storm” for the Democrat to win the reliably Republican House seat in South Carolina.

Of course, you wouldn’t know that…

California 21: Rubio (D) not running

by Nathan L. Gonzales March 5, 2013 · 9:45 AM EST

Rubio isn’t running, but it’s not the Rubio you’re thinking of.

Late last month, Democrat Michael Rubio of Bakersfield resigned his seat in the California state senate in order to take a private sector job, and his decision is having a ripple effect on both coasts.
